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Our fiber laser cutting system is out now

Our fiber laser cutting system is out now

Excellent cutting quality with a highly cost-effective cutting equipment

We signed a long-term cooperative agreement with the Kjellberg Finsterwalde Groupwhich means that ProCAM is the Hungarian representative and official integrator for the company. From now on our systems offer handy solutions for laser cutting, as well, along with waterjet, plasma, flame and milling technologies, combining the highest quality with competitive prices.


After the HiFocus ConturCUT plasma systems the XFocus Fiber Laser is also out now, suitable for an even more precise cutting and marking of mild steel, stainless steel and aluminium ranging from a material thickness of 0.5 mm to 100 mm, so it is possible to combine different cutting technologies in one cutting system.

ProCAM offers the XFocus system in OEM version, as well for integrators and machine builders.
Our experts give help at the set-up and offer service and regular maintenance.  

Kjellberg fiber lézer technikai adatok
Fiber lézer Lézer kimenő telj. Hullámhossz Hálózati feszültség Max. teljesítmény-felvétel Biztosítésk Vágási tartomány  Vágógáz Méret Súly 
XFocus500 500W 1070nm 400 - 480V; 3 Ph; 50/60Hz 6kVA GL/GG 32A

Lágy acél:
0.5-5 mm

Rozsdamentes acél:
0.3-3 mm

1-2 mm

O2, N2, Air

1050x 700x 1600 mm

XFocus1000 1000W 1070nm 400 - 480V; 3 Ph; 50/60Hz 7kVA GL/GG 32A

Lágy acél:
0.5-10 mm

Rozsdamentes acél:
0.3-5 mm

1-3 mm

O2, N2, Air 1050x 700x 1600 mm 300kg