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Fine Focus

Fine Focus

FineFocus 450, 600, 800, 1600

The robust plasma cutting units of the FineFocus series offer highest reliability and good cut quality even under extreme conditions. At the same time they achieve high efficiency due to the low gas consumption. The user is presented with a product of highest quality in an attractive price-performance-ratio.
Electrically conductive materials with a thickness of 3 mm to 160 mm can be cut reliably. 
The plasma cutting units can be adapted to CNC-controlled guiding systems and robots quickly and easily. With FineFocus it is possible to use also compressed air as plasma gas.

FineFocus 800

The FineFocus 800 is the most powerful power source of the FineFocus series and offers very good results when cutting medium-sized and thick materials. The plasma cutting unit can be used for straight, contour and bevel cutting up to 50° dry and under water.

Two versions are available:

  • FineFocus „Single“
    Equipped with one plasma torch connection. With the machine torch materials up to 80 mm can be cut.
  • FineFocus „Twin“
    Allows the connection of two plasma torches which can be operated alternately; one of them can be a manual torch.


Fields of Application

  •  Steel and hall construction
  •  Tank and plant construction
  •  Metal and mechanical engineering
  •  Shipbuilding
  •  Job-shop
  •  Disassembling
  •  Offshore constructions
  •  Wind power stations


FineFocus 1600

The maximum cutting performance of 600 A is achieved by connecting two FineFocus 800 in parallel thus forming a FineFocus 1600 with external water cooling. The FineFocus 1600 is preferably used for the automated cutting of stainless steel and aluminium up to 160 mm in combination with CNC-controlled guiding systems. It is possible to connect up to three different types of plasma torches.


Power source FineFocus 450 FinceFocus 600 FineFocus 800 FineFocus 800 UWP FineFocus 1600
Mains voltage 3~, 400 V, 50 Hz 3~, 400 V, 50 Hz 3~, 400 V, 50 Hz 3~, 400 V, 50 Hz 3~, 400 V, 50 Hz
Fuse, slow 50 A 100 A 125 A 160 A 2x160 A
Connected load 34 kVA 60 kVA 83 kVA 100 kVA 2x100 kVA
Cutting current 40-100 A 40-200 A 80-300 A 80-300 A 160-600 A
1025 x 711 x 970 mm 980 x 644 x 1320 mm 1370 x 870 x 1505 mm 1370 x 870 x 1505 mm 2 x 1370 x 870 x 1505 mm
Weight 251 kg 370 kg 566 kg 564 kg 2x564 kg
Plasma gases O2, N2 O2, Ar, H2, N2 O2, Ar, H2, N2 O2, Ar, H2, F5* O2, Ar, H2, F5*
Swirl gases Air, N2 Air, N2 Air, N2 Air, N2 Air, N2

